Thursday, April 30, 2009

Figure drawing, life drawing class 29/ 4/ 09, Christine

Christine likes a strong and sure contour line and accents of deep black in, usually, partial views of the model and some of her work in the class is out there, bold and abstract.
This one is a more formal study of shadows. I love the toes and shoulder shadows and the arbitrary vertical line that crops the view of the model

Figure drawing, life drawing class 29/ 4/ 09, Bill

Bill doesn't worry much about getting the figure drawn accurately in proportion but loves to work with soft tones of what I call ice cream colours and his work always expresses a gentle and haunting beauty. He is one of my favourites.

Figure drawing, life drawing class 29/ 4/ 09, Maclean

Warm up drawings, our model does 60 second poses and I don't have to constantly remind the class members to not just stand at the easel where you first found it for the duration of the class when Maclean is with us for she is all over the place, as active as a child and does amazing work.
Most of the learning for the class members comes from seeing the other's work, their methods and the results

Figure drawing, life drawing class 29/ 4/ 09, Saskia

Saskia is a sculptor and most of her works at the class are studies in form and tone, black on white.
Here she is using black pastel, firmer than willow charcoal but not so brutally black as compressed charcoal

Figure drawing, life drawing class 29/ 4/ 09, Janice

Janice has a history of design and has only recently started to learn all the tricks of painting and drawing. She is a fast learner and already has many fine paintings based on the human form.
Everyone in the class is happy to share their knowledge and it seems I have two classes in one with the experienced people inspiring each other (and everyone else) and the beginners to whom I give a series of drawing exercises and lessons.